Are You Practicing the Heatwave Diet?

With predictions that this spell of long, intense summer may continue, it’s crucial to be mindful about the foods we consume to ensure our bodies stay hydrated, nourished and able to cope with the heat stress. Here’s a guide to foods you need to avoid and ensure that you do not fall short of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals in particular.

Highly Spiced Foods: Spicy foods can raise your body temperature and make you sweat more, leading to dehydration. Avoid dishes with hot pepper, chilli powder or other strong spices.

Highly Processed Foods: Processed foods often contain high levels of sodium, which can lead to dehydration. These signal the body to retain more water to balance the sodium concentration. This retention can trigger a sensation of thirst, indicating the body’s need for more fluids. If this increased fluid need is not met, dehydration can occur. High sodium levels can increase the amount of water your kidneys excrete, worsening your dehydration. Moreover, processed foods may also lack sufficient water content compared to whole, unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables, which naturally contain more water and help maintain hydration.

Excerpted from Indian Express

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