
Do You Eat Yogurt Every Day?

November 22, 2019

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in America. And although smoking is an obvious culprit, up to 20 percent of people with lung cancer have [...]

Want to Lose Weight? Snack On This!

February 19, 2019

Trying to lose weight does not mean that a person has to give up all snacks. Certain snack foods, such as almonds and hummus, can help a person reach their weight loss goals. [...]

Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

November 1, 2017

Heidi Borgeraas, Ph.D., from the Vestfold Hospital Trust in Tønsberg, Norway, and colleagues examined the effects of probiotic supplementation on body weight, BMI, fat [...]

25 Ways to Survive Cold and Flu Season

September 11, 2017

Each year, the typical adult can expect to contract two or three colds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Skip the annual flu vaccine and you set [...]

10 Best Foods for Your Sex Life

August 9, 2017

Eating nutritious foods with lots of nutrients and antioxidants can help you feel (and look) more vibrant by keeping your skin and hair healthy. And eating a healthy diet [...]

Is Yogurt Healthy?

February 27, 2017

Yes, go ahead and add yogurt to your healthy foods list if you haven’t already. Whether you choose plain, Greek, flavored or low-fat, yogurt is a nutrient-packed snack [...]

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Yogurt

April 1, 2016

1. Yogurt can give you flat abs. Eat 18 ounces a day and you can drop a jeans size. People who ate that much — in conjunction with cutting their total calories — lost 22 [...]
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