Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to the same personal training and weight loss coaching services that celebrities enjoy? Who wouldn’t lose weight and get lean [...]
We’ve all been there: You’ve followed your eating plan to a tee from Monday to Friday. But despite your best intentions, your weekend was filled with pizza, [...]
Once the balmy summer months roll along, most of us dream of strutting down the beach like its a runway and donning that vibrant sundress that hugs you in all the right [...]
Up to a third of early deaths could be prevented if we all switched to a vegetarian diet, according to new calculations by Harvard Medical School scientists. While we already [...]
Intermittent fasting has been gaining popularity among people looking to shed extra kilograms and maintain a healthy weight. Researchers argue that this type of diet may also [...]
Between keto, paleo, and Whole30, it can be hard to keep up with the latest happenings in the trendy-diet sphere. Unfortunately, many of the strict eating plans involve [...]
Nonstick pots and pans are designed to make cooking easier and cleaning up a breeze. If you’ve struggled to lose weight no matter what type of diet you’ve tried, the [...]
People who regularly participate in intermittent fasting are less likely to go to have strokes or develop heart disease, new research has found. Intermittent fasting is a [...]
Sometimes, the success or failure of your weight loss program depends more on your daily habits than on the food choices you make. The little things you do as part of your [...]
Whether you are walking for fitness or weight loss, you should walk fast enough to achieve a fat-burning walking pace. Walking at a brisk pace is a moderate-intensity [...]