
Want to Live to 100? Eat This!

May 18, 2022

If there was a pill you could take every day that increased your chances of living to be 100 in good health would you take it? Of course, right? Fortunately, there’s [...]

How Healthy is a Vegan Diet?

June 30, 2021

Experts advise that a vegan diet can be nutritionally adequate and help to prevent chronic diseases. However, someone must plan a vegan diet appropriately to gain the health [...]

What Is the Flexitarian Diet?

May 27, 2021

If you’re looking for a healthy diet that doesn’t involve counting calories, super strict rules and allows you to enjoy meat from time to time – look no further than [...]

Is an Omnivorous Diet Healthy?

August 6, 2020

Interest in plant-based diets has swelled in the past few months due to intermittent meat shortages, along with the hope that a healthier diet might help us should we [...]

What’s the Easiest Way to Go Vegan?

May 8, 2020

Going vegan is kind of like building your own IKEA furniture. It seems like a great idea in theory (nutrients! lower cholesterol! helping the environment!). But [...]
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