
Can Deficiencies Cause Weight Gain?

October 16, 2018

There is nothing quite as annoying as unintended weight gain, especially if you don’t know why it’s happening. As it turns out weight gain can actually be a [...]

What Can We Do About Iodine Deficiency?

July 10, 2018

When you think of iodine—the chemical element that helps your body produce thyroid hormones and regulate energy—you probably associate it with table salt. That’s [...]

Should You Put Salt Back Into Your Diet?

July 31, 2017

Americans eat too much salt. And that causes high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. Right? That’s been the message for the last several decades. But what if salt [...]

Low Salt? Think Again

June 7, 2016

From a public health perspective, salt shakers have been branded the equivalent of an ash tray, an instrument of ill health. Achtung baby. But a large study published [...]

5 Foods That Ruin a Man’s Sex Life

January 29, 2015

According to the men’s health website,, in a post widely reported in Business Insider, these five foods can contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED) and other [...]
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