
Want to Cut the Salt? Try This!

January 15, 2024

As the new year kicks off, many people are thinking about ways to support their health – especially their heart health. For a start, research shows they may want to focus [...]

Are You Drowning in Sugar and Salt?

July 13, 2023

It’s very likely that at your last medical appointment, your doctor gave you a warning about your blood pressure or blood sugar levels creeping higher, if you’re not [...]

Can Adding Salt Reduce Your Longevity?

August 18, 2022

I’ll admit it – I always add salt to my food, sometimes before I even taste it. Yes, I know, that’s likely not a good thing and it doesn’t seem like I’m the only [...]

Do High Salt Diets Cause Weight Gain?

September 8, 2021

Salt is a condiment that has been demonized since the early 1900s. High salt diets are often linked to health conditions like high blood pressure and stroke, and [...]

Are You Eating Too Much Salt?

October 2, 2019

Who knew that salt could even impact your brain function? In a 2018 study from the University of Colorado researchers followed a group of about 5,000 men over the age of 65. [...]
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