Name: Middle-age spread. Age: 40+. Appearance: Doughy, wrinkled, overspilling. You mean old and fat? It comes to us all, inevitably. Speak for yourself. I [...]
We have all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But how does it work? And does personal preference include preferred body type? This question is particularly [...]
You must have heard this a thousand times already: ‘you need to boost your metabolism if you want to lose weight’. And while this statement is partially true, [...]
Yoga is a practice that can help build a stronger connection between your mind and body. While there are many types of yoga, some focus more on meditation and mindfulness, [...]
Lifting weights a few times a week might help us stave off obesity, according to an interesting new study of resistance exercise and body fat. It shows that people who [...]
More than half of the world’s population is overweight or obese, a trend that is contributing to significant health problems in people across the globe. Obesity is a major [...]
Forty-five million Americans go on a diet each year, many of them after the overconsumption of the holidays, and as few as 5% manage to keep off the weight. About 70% of [...]
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the obesity epidemic once again into the spotlight, revealing that obesity is no longer a disease that harms just in the long run but [...]
The risk of greater COVID-19 severity and death is higher in people with any obese body mass index (BMI), according to a study to be published in the European Journal of [...]
Stefan de Hert, who is a former president of the European Society of Anaesthesiology, highlighted unpublished data from Italy on the types of patients with Covid-19 admitted [...]