
Is Berberine Nature’s Ozempic?

June 14, 2023

A dietary supplement called berberine is gaining momentum on social media platforms like TikTok for its weight loss effects, with some even calling it “nature’s [...]

What Happens When You Drink Kombucha?

February 25, 2021

While it’s considered an acquired taste by most, kombucha has recently been a buzzworthy drink beloved by celebrities, influencers, and health professionals. [...]

Suppress Your Appetite the Natural Way

June 19, 2019

Almonds Just a handful of almonds is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. Almonds have also been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people and help [...]

How Can I Fight Inflammation Naturally?

June 12, 2019

By reducing chronic inflammation—also known as low-grade or systemic inflammation—you may be able to boost your defense against several major diseases. In addition to [...]

Can Apples Slow Down Aging?

October 10, 2018

New research has identified a natural compound found in many types of fruit, such as apples and strawberries, and vegetables that can slow down the aging process. One key [...]
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