
Clueless About Intermittent Fasting?

September 15, 2021

Intermittent fasting might be a fairly new and unexplored concept in the world of health and fitness, but it has surely managed to garner votes from experts and people who [...]

What Are the Benefits of Napping?

September 15, 2021

You stayed up too late binge-watching your new favorite show, and now you’re dragging. You could turn to a venti latte to put some spring in your step. But is there a [...]

How Many Steps a Day Should You Take?

September 15, 2021

The fitness goal of 10,000 steps a day is widely promoted, but a new study suggests that logging even 7,000 daily steps may go a long way toward better health. Middle-age [...]

Should You Strength Train While Fasting?

September 8, 2021

During a recent conversation with podcaster and author Tim Ferriss, Dr. Peter Attia shared his thoughts on intermittent fasting—or as he calls it, time-restricted [...]
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