
Can Fasting Strengthen Your Immunity?

October 29, 2020

We are always living in a state of survival. This might be any type of chronic illness, virus or maybe a lifestyle related disease. Whatever it is, fasting can help with many [...]

Is a Vegan Diet Right For You?

October 22, 2020

The word “vegan” may conjure up images of celebrities downing $10 green juice after their Sunday morning yoga class. But the eating plan is much more than another [...]

What Are the Best Guilt-Free Carbs?

October 15, 2020

Weight loss: Carbs are often blamed for causing weight gain. However, this macronutrient is an important part of a healthy diet and you must eat foods rich in good carbs, [...]

Does Chewing Gum Help You Lose Weight?

September 24, 2020

Many people believe that chewing gum is an effective weight loss tool. Some report it helps keep them away from mindless eating, while others swear it keeps their cravings [...]

Should You Eat or Skip Breakfast?

September 10, 2020

The word ‘breakfast’, when broken down literally means breaking your fast. Your body should be at rest, ideally for 7-9 hours every day. When you go all this time without [...]
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