You put in the work. You put out a ton of sweat. Surely, you’ve lost weight, right? Downer alert: Sweating only sort of helps you lose weight. Technically, sweating can [...]
Sandra Hassink, M.D., has been studying childhood obesity for more than 30 years. And the most important thing she’s learned— applicable to kids and grown men alike—is [...]
Nothing says summer quite like biting into a pink watermelon wedge on a hot day. Perhaps surprisingly, there are actually loads of health benefits of watermelon. It’s [...]
New research suggests that intermittent fasting, cycling through periods of normal eating and fasting may regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels even when accompanied by [...]
At the urging of doctor friends and a few popular books, I embarked on a diet plan earlier this year called intermittent fasting. The basics are that I could eat the foods I [...]
Recent years have ushered in a wellness movement that emphasizes body positivity and holistic health over thinness and crash diets. But new federal data suggest [...]
You have likely heard of cortisol before, most often in a negative light and possibly related to stress and weight gain. While there appears to be a connection between high [...]
Have you ever stepped off of the treadmill, ecstatic over the number of calories that you burned, only to realize that you are extremely hungry? Most of us can relate to this [...]