Much to my family’s dismay, I became a vegetarian at 12 years old. Those first few years were rough; I’m not going to lie. My family were avid meat eaters, and the last [...]
If you’re like many Canadians, you might not give much thought to the fibre content of your meals. But you should. This overlooked nutrient is tied to a whole host of [...]
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. Unlike traditional diets that focus on what foods to eat or avoid, [...]
Eating ultraprocessed foods is associated with an early risk of death, according to a 30-year study — but different foods have different impacts. Ultraprocessed foods are [...]
Vitamin D is hugely important to your health, and I don’t just mean bone health. Humans need vitamin D for immune function, cell growth and repair, and many other things. [...]
Background: Obesity has become a significant public health concern worldwide owing to its gradually increasing prevalence. Obesity is characterized by excess body fat [...]
Carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes have been unfairly demonized thanks to the pervasive effects of diet culture, but they all feature in the [...]
Setting kids up for success. It’s what every parent, guardian, and educator wants for our nation’s schoolchildren. They understand the power that small changes have to [...]
Today’s leading diets are more focused on promoting optimal health than encouraging weight loss. Take the Mediterranean Diet, for example. For the seventh year in a row, [...]