When it comes to weight loss, every small change can add up, including how you season your food. Research suggests a common spice you probably already have in your cabinet [...]
There is a lot of guidance out there about the best diets for your health, but is there any particular way to eat to boost or maintain happiness? “The answer, of course, [...]
Healthy dietary choices can help you keep negative health conditions such as obesity and diabetes at bay but also help reduce the greenhouse gases causing our planet to warm [...]
For kids, back to school means fresh school clothes, new backpacks and unfamiliar teachers. But for many parents, it also means finding a way to pack lunches that are both [...]
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine and the National Institutes of Health’s R National Institute on Aging have uncovered promising findings regarding the effects of [...]
We recently reported on a difficulty reality for many Australians. They can’t afford the sort of foods that are key to a healthy diet. And they’re choosing to fill up on [...]
Intermittent fasting can help people with diabetes safely lose weight and control blood sugar levels, according to a new study. Researchers found that people with type 2 [...]
There’s a crack of light shining through the dark clouds of America’s battle with poor nutrition and subsequent health issues, according to a new study that analyzed [...]
Diet and exercise go hand in hand when trying to lose body fat or to maintain a healthy weight. Some supplements can also help to speed up results and an expert spoke [...]