Are You Ready for AI Diet Monitoring?

If you are struggling to maintain or lose weight even though you think you are eating a healthy diet, new research out this week in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has a simple tip to help – take a photo of everything you eat through the day to help jog your memory. 

In the study, researchers gave a day’s worth of food to 152 volunteers and split them into different groups. One group was asked to take photos of their meals using a specific food recording app, whereas another group was just asked at the end of the day to remember what they had eaten. 

The actual estimated caloric intake for the day was much more accurate for those volunteers who had taken photos of their food compared to those relying on their memories and ties into previous research showing how our memory often underestimates how much we eat in a day. Our brains are especially good at forgetting that piece of chocolate we ate while standing looking for inspiration in the pantry, or the two cupcakes we ate at the office morning tea. By getting into a routine of creating a digital record of everything that touches our lips, we are much more likely to have a realistic idea of where some of our extra calories might be coming from. 

Excerpted from NewstalkZB

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