Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Senior Dietitian Victoria Taylor explains why you might not be shedding pounds as quickly as you’d like – and what to do about it. Reaching and keeping to a healthy weight cuts your risk of heart and circulatory diseases. But it can be tricky to do. This article can help you understand what might be holding you back. Keep going with healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle, and even if you’re not losing weight as quickly as you like, you’ll still improve your health.

1. Expecting too much too soon: You may have gained weight over time. It can also take time to unlearn habits and lose weight. It can feel frustratingly slow when you want to lose weight quickly. But, to keep the weight from coming back you need to make changes you can stick with in the long run.

Tip: Healthy weight loss is around 0.5 to 1kg (1 to 2lb) per week. But even smaller amounts add up over time. Stick with it and if the dial is going in the right direction, however slowly, you’ll get there.

Excerpted from the British Heart Foundation

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