weight loss buddy

Can Exercise Cure Depression and Anxiety?

May 9, 2016

At the age of 16, Heather Troupe received a diagnosis of chronic severe depression and a prescription for an antidepressant. Eight years and 20 pounds later, she was sleeping [...]

Drinking Water DOES Help You Lose Weight

May 9, 2016

It has often been recommended in popular weight-loss programs that overweight and obese individuals hoping to shed unwanted pounds should drink more water. As is often the [...]

10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

May 2, 2016

The one thing that’s so hard about exercise and weight loss is this:  It’s hard to burn enough calories with exercise to make a serious dent in your weight.  In [...]

How to Stop Eating So Much at Night

April 25, 2016

You stick to your diet all day and eat healthy well-balanced meals. Then the evening comes and you find yourself making repeated trips to the refrigerator or pantry to eat [...]
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