
Can You Walk Your Way to Better Health?

April 10, 2022

The American Heart Association cites research showing the health benefits of regular walking and the importance of safe walking spaces in communities. Whether you’re taking [...]

Does Your Sleep Impact How You Walk?

November 11, 2021

On our list of healthy lifestyle aspirations, getting enough sleep every night is probably near the top. And that’s no surprise — according to the Sleep [...]

How Many Steps a Day Should You Take?

September 15, 2021

The fitness goal of 10,000 steps a day is widely promoted, but a new study suggests that logging even 7,000 daily steps may go a long way toward better health. Middle-age [...]

How Well Do You Know How to Walk?

June 11, 2020

Chances are, you learned to walk when you were just a toddler and you haven’t really thought about it much since. It’s easy to nerd out on other fitness activities, like [...]
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