
40 Ways to Lose Your Gut by Summer

May 1, 2018

Once the balmy summer months roll along, most of us dream of strutting down the beach like its a runway and donning that vibrant sundress that hugs you in all the right [...]

How Can I Vacation Without Weight Gain?

June 21, 2017

Vacations are good for your body and soul, but if you associate travel with nonstop eating, it’s time to adjust your thinking. You can go on vacation without gaining [...]

6 Ways to Look and Feel Good This Summer

June 12, 2017

With every new season comes a new set of beauty woes: hair loss as the leaves fall in autumn, dry skin in the cold of winter, humidity from all the rain in spring. And while [...]

8 Low-Sugar Summer Cocktails

May 16, 2017

Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat: Alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but alcohol itself isn’t exactly healthy. Protein, [...]
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