
6 Possible Reasons You Overeat

December 15, 2017

We’re all guilty of overeating at times, consuming more than we intended despite our desire to be healthier. But why? Is it simply down to hunger? Here Marina [...]

23 Snacks That Burn Fat!

October 10, 2017

Americans love to snack almost as much as we want to lose weight. But according to recent research by the USDA, our snacking habits are adding too many calories and too few [...]

How to Stop Eating So Much at Night

April 25, 2016

You stick to your diet all day and eat healthy well-balanced meals. Then the evening comes and you find yourself making repeated trips to the refrigerator or pantry to eat [...]

The Best Late-Night Snacks

February 23, 2016

Cottage Cheese with Live Cultures Cottage cheese is an excellent choice for a nighttime snack because it’s low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Don’t shy [...]
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