
Can Fasting Help Your Brain?

April 22, 2021

For those who can’t function without breakfast, the idea of fasting on purpose might be repellent. But going without food for more than a few hours between meals may [...]

Looking for Longevity? Try This Tea!

April 15, 2021

When it comes to cognitive longevity, drinking a daily cup of tea is one of the tastiest, cheapest, and healthiest habits. Whichever type of tea you prefer, whether hot or [...]

Can Negative Thinking Lead to Dementia?

June 11, 2020

Persistently engaging in negative thinking patterns may raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, finds a new UCL-led study. In the study of people aged over 55, published [...]

Do Optimistic People Live Longer?

April 8, 2020

Individuals with higher levels of optimism are more likely to live longer compared to pessimistic people, reaching the age of 85 or older. This finding is a result of a 30 [...]
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