gain weight

Why Is It So Hard to Lose Weight?

January 29, 2020

You lose five pounds. Then, you gain it back. This is a common experience for many people who try to lose weight. In fact, research shows that those who lose weight [...]

Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss!

October 9, 2019

If you Google “how to lose weight,” you get nearly a million results. You’d think with all the weight loss tips out there, we’d be a nation of people with flat [...]

How Can I Stop Late-Night Snacking?

October 2, 2019

Ever noticed that staying up past the wee hours of the night coincides with some serious junk food cravings? Well, it’s not all in your head. Sleep actually plays [...]

Can a Good Marriage Help Keep You Thin?

March 16, 2018

Over the years, researchers have found more than a few health benefits associated with a supportive marriage, from a longer life to a lower risk of heart attacks. When it [...]

Why Do I Gain Weight When I Exercise?

November 29, 2016

Why do I tend to gain weight when I exercise and lose weight when I barely move? The short and unsatisfactory answer is that you are human. A surprisingly large number of [...]
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