Last week I went to the new Kiehl’s apothecary to diagnose and cure my skin issues. After pressing little pieces of paper into my forehead and cheek to measure the oil in [...]
Unripe bananas and takeout white rice both have it. Carbohydrates sound so innocent: mere starches, sugar and fiber that the body uses for energy. Yet health-conscious [...]
Almost everyone who has ever dieted knows how hard it is to keep the weight off. And almost everyone, including many scientists, has wondered what works. An article on Monday [...]
The one thing that’s so hard about exercise and weight loss is this: It’s hard to burn enough calories with exercise to make a serious dent in your weight. In [...]
Inflammation is your immune system’s reaction to irritation, injury, or infection. It’s a normal response (and actually a good thing), and it’s a natural [...]
You stick to your diet all day and eat healthy well-balanced meals. Then the evening comes and you find yourself making repeated trips to the refrigerator or pantry to eat [...]
The major minerals are the six dietary minerals your body needs in the largest amounts. They’re necessary for many processes in your body, especially fluid balance, [...]
If non-fat milk is in your weekly grocery rotation, you may want to pause before heading to the store. According to a new study from Tufts University, eating full fat dairy [...]
Eliminate: Cow’s Milk Cheese “Dairy is such a trigger for skin problems such as acne,” said Dr. Lipman. “All dairy, even if from grass-fed organic [...]