You lose five pounds. Then, you gain it back. This is a common experience for many people who try to lose weight. In fact, research shows that those who lose weight [...]
Beans given special attention for the high content of trace elements, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, easily digestible proteins greater than the fish and meat in [...]
By now you’ve probably heard of intermittent fasting, arguably the hottest health trend of the last couple years. It involves fasting (or refraining from eating) [...]
It’s no surprise that intermittent fasting is one of the most popular types of eating plans. You don’t need to measure out food or buy any prepackaged [...]
Poll the dietitian community about their oatmeal-eating habits and you might think that eating the whole grain is a requirement for the letters “R.D.” after [...]
Each new year brings fresh proclamations about the best ways to lose weight and get healthier. There’s a lot of hype around extreme diets that have little [...]
A newly published review article in The New England Journal Of Medicine has examined an array of current research on intermittent fasting, from animal studies to human [...]
Lowering low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or bad cholesterol, can be as easy as increasing your fiber intake and swapping red meat, cheese, and ice cream for these equally [...]
Intermittent fasting (IF) is already known to help people lose weight, but a new study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine suggests that routinely [...]
American researchers have reviewed several human and animal studies to determine the effect of fasting on weight loss, life expectancy and other health indicators. An article [...]