
For Weight Loss, Water Beats Diet Soda

October 25, 2016

Diet sodas may undermine weight loss efforts, a new study suggests. Researchers put 81 overweight women with Type 2 diabetes on the same weight-control diet, except that half [...]

The Science on Every Popular Diet!

October 25, 2016

There are so many diets out there, but which ones actually work? Luckily, scientists have found that most reasonable diets can help you lose weight, compared to not following [...]

Fasting with Food

October 25, 2016

Earlier this year, I recommended intermittent fasting as a way of calming down our needy personalities. Jeremi, one of my readers and a PR executive from New York, was kind [...]

5 Reasons to Drink Coffee for a Fit Body

October 19, 2016

Coffee is an Effective Pre-Workout Drink Look no further than your pantry or local coffee shop for an all natural stimulant and effective pre-workout drink. Studies have [...]

Calcium Supplements Might Hurt Your Heart

October 19, 2016

A new study adds to evidence that calcium supplements — but not calcium from food — might be bad for your heart. At the same time, a second study shows Americans still [...]

Stress & Obesity Are Biologically Linked

October 11, 2016

Metabolic and anxiety-related disorders both pose a significant healthcare burden, and are in the spotlight of contemporary research and therapeutic efforts. Although [...]
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