Most people have been perpetually reminded since childhood that breakfast is a must. But in recent years, nutritionists and scientists have called this crucial eating time [...]
If weight loss is a struggle for you, you’ve probably found yourself wondering, “Why the hell am I not losing weight?!” on more than one occasion. And though [...]
You’ve heard the old advice that skipping meals is a sure-fire way to ruin a weight loss plan, but a new study presented this week at the annual Obesity Society Meeting in [...]
Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat: Alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but alcohol itself isn’t exactly healthy. Protein, [...]
You’re getting into a routine at the gym, feeling stronger and working up a sweat, but you’re not losing weight, which is one of the main reasons you started [...]
Substituting everyday staples with gluten-free foods could increase the risk of obesity, experts have warned, after finding that such products often contain higher levels of [...]
When it comes to losing weight, most people find it hard to change the behaviors that got them into trouble in the first place. It’s challenging to improve food habits, [...]
By now you’ve probably heard that a little bacteria in your food isn’t always a bad thing. Beneficial live bacteria and yeasts, called probiotics, which are found in some [...]
Cravings are no fun, but we all get hit with the occasional (or sometimes, more than occasional) urge to scarf down a sweet treat ASAP. Of course, giving in to temptation [...]
Remember that sit-and-reach test from grade school? Or the timed mile? All kinds of dread! But you don’t have to relive your childhood PE class to get a read on your [...]