We’re all familiar with that kind of morning. You know, the one where you wake up late, peel out the door in a hurry, and grab a muffin at the nearest coffee shop. [...]
The switch to vegan food can be easier than you might think and the key is consistency and practice. Don’t be discouraged if you stop and start a few times. Most people [...]
Olivia Yang was stunned when she learned she had type 2 diabetes six years ago, when she was 19. Her doctor was shocked, too. In fact, her physician tested her twice to be [...]
To spot a trend in 2016, all you have to do is see what’s happening on Pinterest. Case in point: The site has seen a 40 percent jump in users pinning, sharing, and [...]
Coffee is an Effective Pre-Workout Drink Look no further than your pantry or local coffee shop for an all natural stimulant and effective pre-workout drink. Studies have [...]
More than just meat Proteins are known as the building blocks of life: In the body, they break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. (They also take [...]
One of the easiest ways to add years to your life is changing what you eat. More research is showing that diet is an important indicator of how long you’ll live, and [...]
You may think your floors are so clean you can eat off them, but a new study debunking the so-called five-second rule would suggest otherwise. Professor Donald W. Schaffner, [...]
by Dr. Charles Bens Medical science is absolutely certain that sugar is the number one cause of weight gain and diabetes. And yet, the sugar lobby has managed to evade [...]
About 2.7 million Americans avoid gluten in their diet, but 1.76 million have celiac disease, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine this week. Data from [...]