Can These Simple Changes Save the Planet?

Healthy dietary choices can help you keep negative health conditions such as obesity and diabetes at bay but also help reduce the greenhouse gases causing our planet to warm up. Our food system contributes to about a third of global emissions, according to a study in Nature Food. So, our choices and decisions about what sits on our plates are essential for both our bodies and the planet.

If more than half of the currently overconsuming population starts eating healthy, this could reduce emissions from global diets by as much as 17%, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change this month. More scientists are urging attention to the integral role of healthy diets in helping the world reach the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius of preindustrial levels. Earlier this year, as many as 200 climate scientists from 48 countries expressed their views on this topic through a Harvard Law School survey, and 85% agreed that shifts to healthier diets are essential to limit global warming.

Based on the scientific literature highlighting the importance of diet shifts toward healthy diets, there are two simple things you can start acting on today to help reduce the adverse impact of your diet on climate.

Excerpted from Forbes

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