How Many Times Do You Need to Chew?

R Madhavan amazed his fans recently with his stunning weight loss transformation that involved intense chewing of food, intermittent fasting, long walks in morning and early dinner. He shed those extra calories without gym or running sessions. What has intrigued his fans is the role of chewing in weight loss and the science behind it. Chewing your food thoroughly can help burn calories at various levels.

According to research published in the journal Obesity, chewing till no lumps remain can help you burn more calories during digestion, around 10 extra calories for a 300-calorie meal.

Chewing allows better nutrient absorption as the process itself breaks down food to small bits which helps the gastric juices in stomach to further reduce it to microscopic size, as per this study. This helps in better absorption of the nutrients and the fluids. Besides, chewing can also boost blood flow to the stomach and gut. Eating faster on the other hand however does nothing to burn calories.

Excerpted from Times of India

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