What Does 100 Grams of Protein Look Like?

Protein is king when it comes to muscle-building, regulating hormones, transporting and storing nutrients as well as aiding in the production of antibodies to fight infection.
The amount of protein you need daily depends on your weight and lifestyle — you need 0.36 grams per pound, according to the Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein. You can also use the USDA’s calculator, which will give you that number effortlessly. Believe it or not, you probably already get enough without even trying. But if you need a little help, this visual protein guide will help you conceptualize what 100 grams of protein looks like across different dietary styles — vegan, vegetarian, omnivorous and carnivore.
Please keep in mind these protein amounts are estimates based on specific products and their nutrition labels, so your numbers might vary slightly depending on the brand or preparation method. Each of these pictures contains 100 grams of protein combined, not 100 grams per item. If you want to get better at hitting your daily protein goals for the year, here’s what you should know to be successful.
Excerpted from CNET