Is Intermittent Fasting the Key to Staying Young?

Greg Lindberg has released results of a 6 year study that shows conclusively that a long-term program of intermittent fasting – including regular weekly water-only fasts of over 90 hours combined with rigorous daily physical and mental exercises – can dramatically increase the length of your telomeres.

“This is my gift to the world – Only Eat On Weekends™ and you will get younger,” Lindberg said. “This simple program is free and available to everyone,” Lindberg said.

Lindberg said that his 6 years of test data “suggests that the Hayflick limit is wrong — our cells do not have a built-in and predetermined lifespan.” The Hayflick limit was proposed as the number of times your cells will divide before division stops and the cell dies.  This limit was based on the fact that our telomeres – the end caps to the DNA – get shorter the more times the cell divides.

Excerpted from PR Underground

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