Can You Lose Weight With Volume Eating?

Feeling full can be tricky when you’re focused on weight loss, but it’s possible. Volume eating is a dietary strategy that zeroes in on having larger amounts of low-calorie foods. The concept is that it will help to fill you up without adding too many calories.

But volume eating isn’t for everyone and there are some pros and cons to consider. Here’s what this eating method involves, plus what dietitians actually think of it.

What is volume eating? Volume eating is a diet strategy that helps followers eat more food without increasing how many calories they have. With volume eating, people focus on having high-volume foods, which tend to have a lot of fiber and water, giving you less calories per gram, says Jessica Cording, R.D., author of The Little Book of Game-Changers. (The opposite is eating low-volume foods, which have more calories per gram, she explains.)

Excerpted from Prevention

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