Break These Bad Habits for Fast Weight Loss!

Losing weight isn’t just about working out; it’s a test for mental fitness too. Certain mindsets might be holding you back. The end of 2024 is coming up fast. Have you seen the results you’ve wanted on your fitness journey? If you’ve been exercising but seeing limited results, there’s a chance some of your habits are holding you back. A few simple changes can help you avoid weight cycling, which is when you gain weight right after losing it, and begin promoting healthy habits that you’ll be able to rely on for a lifetime. 

Don’t forget that weight doesn’t determine your health. You should always check with your doctor to discuss other aspects of your wellness that you can focus on instead of weight loss. Here are the top pitfalls you should avoid to help improve your chances of success. They’re not as big of a change as you might think.

1. Stop thinking in the short term: Everything on this list is somewhat of a hard truth, but this is often the hardest to accept (and change). If you approach weight loss with a short-term attitude, you may not make it anywhere except on the yo-yo diet train. 

Excerpted from CNET

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