Are You Getting the Right Balance of Carbs & Fats?

In the quest to lose weight and control blood sugar levels, cutting carbs has become a popular strategy. But as you bid farewell to bread, cereals, and the beloved french fry, a question looms large: what’s left to eat? The answer may surprise you—and it all comes down to understanding the complex interplay of carbohydrates, fats, and your body’s response.

THE MACRONUTRIENT BALANCING ACT: To grasp why low-carb diets can be effective for weight loss, we must first understand the three macronutrients that fuel our bodies: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates, often demonized in diet culture, are indeed linked to elevated blood sugar and insulin levels when consumed in excess, particularly in their refined forms. This matters because insulin is the “fat storage” hormone, ushering calories into fat cells.

So, if slashing carbs leaves a gap in your diet, what’s the best way to fill it—protein or fat? While protein is an essential building block, consuming more than your body can use for muscle repair and other functions can backfire. Excess protein gets converted to glucose by the liver, potentially undermining the very blood sugar control you seek.

Excerpted from Journee Mondiale

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