Is it Possible to Lose Weight From Walking?

My name is Luz Arteaga (@luzwontgiveup), and I’m 23 years old. I’m from San Jose, California, and I work as a healthcare administration clerk. After a family trip made me realise how much my weight was holding me back, I started following a low-carb diet, weighing my food with a scale, and walking at least 10,000 steps a day. I’ve now lost 80 pounds (5 stone and 10lbs, or 36kg) in under 11 months.

I have been overweight most of my life. In my early teen years I was always heavier than most of my friends. I’ve always been overweight (size 16 in high school), but I was still comfortable enough with my body. But when I was 19 years old, I started battling anxiety and stress. Food was always a form of comfort for me, but I soon realised that my eating habits had spiralled. I avoided my scale and jeans for months.

Soon enough, I had gained nearly 100 pounds [7 stone 2 lbs]. I was really ashamed, and I felt that I was too far off track, so I accepted where I was. As much as I tried to laugh it off or ignore how miserable I really felt, I knew how far I was from the person I had been and even further from the person I wanted to be. I reached my heaviest weight of 329 pounds [23 stone 7 lbs] at 20 years old.

Excerpted from Women’s Health

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