How Does Your Diet Impact How You Age?

Caloric restriction may extend the average human life span, according to multiple studies. It’s common knowledge that a wholesome diet alongside healthier lifestyle choices like regular exercise and smoking abstinence can impact longevity at the cellular level. Now, researchers are exploring the correlation between nutrition and slower cell death rates to shed more light on how eating smarter can delay biological aging.

The research: Penn State University researchers recently published a study on how caloric restriction affects a person’s cellular aging and by extension, their life span. The research is based on data from previous CALERIE studies — a series of clinical trials on the effects of specific dietary changes on healthy human subjects. These trials have already shown a positive correlation between reducing average daily caloric intake and longer life in animals.

The Penn State University study specifically looked at how making dietary changes can impact the rate of telomeres shortening, which is fundamental to cell health. Telomeres are essential components located at the end of chromosomes, and can provide valuable information about their structure and function within the cell.

Excerpted from Innovators

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