
Are There Pandemic Habits We Should Keep?

June 10, 2021

When the COVID pandemic finally retreats, the world will be different. We will have lost millions of lives—a tragic disaster that will devastate families and communities [...]

Should You Fast When You’re Sick?

April 8, 2020

Fasting could have some benefits, depending on the type of illness. It is common for people to lose their appetite when they are sick. This could be the body’s natural [...]

Should We All Be Wearing Masks?

April 3, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many people are now overthinking things they never used to think about at all. Can you go outside? What if you’re walking downwind of [...]

What Do Sell-By Dates Really Mean?

March 13, 2019

Confused by “best by,” “sell by,” and “use by”? You’re not alone. In fact, a Harvard University study found that more than 90 percent of Americans [...]

Still Think You Don’t Need a Flu Shot?

October 2, 2018

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the flu shot. But following a winter in which more than 80,000 people died from flu-related illnesses in the U.S. — the [...]

Can Placebo Pills Actually Work?

August 29, 2018

For over 20 years, Linda Buonanno lived in fear that her irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) would suddenly interrupt her daily routine with frequent trips to the bathroom and [...]