
Do Slow Eaters Burn More Calories?

May 2, 2017

People have been advising others to chew their food well for a long, long time. In Ayurveda, a school of medicine founded in India some 7,000 years ago, slow and thorough [...]

Why Is Cinnamon So Insanely Good for You?

April 25, 2017

Scientists have long suspected that cinnamon can help prevent blood-sugar spikes and protect against insulin resistance, a risk factor for diabetes. But how, exactly, has [...]

When Should You Eat Your Largest Meal?

April 10, 2017

When you’re trying to lose weight, you know it’s important to keep track of how much food you eat. But did you know that when you eat your food might be just as [...]

6 Ways You Can Reduce Your Cholesterol!

April 10, 2017

An Avocado a Day Helps to Keep Heart Disease Away! Avocados are a miracle fruit: They’re super-high in fat, but the good kind! Loaded with a heart-healthy monounsaturated [...]
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