The word “addiction” suggests gambling, drinking, and drugs. But there are other habits, behaviors, and even beauty products that are surprisingly addictive. If [...]
It’s the Monday after Thanksgiving, and we’re all feeling the same thing today: “It’s been Saturday for about 3 days and thus, I’m not prepared for Monday.” [...]
As easy as it would be to have a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss, that’s not how it works. Making changes to your diet and exercise regimen are good starting [...]
Americans should sit less and move more, even if that activity comes in tiny chunks, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) latest physical [...]
Belly fat is not just a problem because it can look bad. In fact, having lots of fat in the abdominal area is strongly linked to diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart [...]
We’ve all been there: you’re a few months into your new diet or exercise regime, and those pounds you saw slipping off week after week have all of a sudden come to a [...]
Exercise is medicine. If you moved your body today, you delivered a powerful dose of pain-relieving, sleep-inducing, blood-sugar-regulating natural drugs to your muscles, [...]
Belly fat is maligned for its way of tampering with any outfit that doesn’t involve a muumuu, but really there’s something way worse about the stuff: When white fat [...]
“Exercise isn’t really important for weight loss” has become a popular sentiment in the weight loss community. “It’s all about diet,” many say. “Don’t worry [...]
Time: 20-3o minutes Equipment: None Good for: Cardio, core Instructions: Do each move for 45 seconds, then rest for 15-30 seconds (as indicated). That’s one round. [...]