“Obesity is the biggest threat to the health of our nation,” proclaims the chief of epidemiology at a major medical school on the Scientific American [...]
Harvard-trained Ian K. Smith, M.D., has discovered that combining the slimming effects of clean eating with the fast results of intermittent fasting turbocharges metabolism. [...]
Much of Europe and the United States are in the middle of a heatwave, with temperatures recently reaching a record-breaking 114°F (46°C) in France. This will have made for [...]
or three) is the reason you can’t shed those last few pounds? As it turns out, alcohol and weight loss do go hand in hand. We asked a nutritionist about the connection [...]
If you’ve ever spent a few minutes meditating at the end of yoga class, you know that trying to slow down your thoughts is a bit trickier than it looks. “Our [...]
No one wants to land themselves in the ER, but popular opinion would lead you to believe that July is the most dangerous time to be treated in a hospital—one that’s been [...]
First things first: Any weight-loss doctor or nutritionist worth their salt will tell you that intermittent fasting isn’t new. Fasting has been used for millennia with [...]
The idea that eating a morsel of food after a given time means bad news for your waistline is nothing new. Dieters add this “don’t” to their list of rules when trying [...]
New research examines the relationship between trends in physical activity levels over time and mortality risk among adults in middle age and older. The findings suggest that [...]
A few months ago, a friend of mine threw a dinner party, only to discover that nearly everyone coming had a food restriction. Gluten, dairy, nuts, sugar, meat: Our cultural [...]