Does Coffee Combat Weight Gain?

Background: Obesity has become a significant public health concern worldwide owing to its gradually increasing prevalence. Obesity is characterized by excess body fat accumulation due to altered lipid metabolism. The condition can potentially increase the risk of various health complications, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory metabolic diseases.

Pharmaceuticals used for treating obesity, including mitochondrial uncouplers, sympathomimetics, serotonergic agonists, lipase inhibitors, cannabinoid receptor antagonists, and gastrointestinal-derived peptides, often fail to provide optimal benefits and are associated with many detrimental side effects.

Coffee, tea, and cocoa are the most widely used plant-derived beverages with potential anti-obesity effects. Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of bioactive compounds present in these beverages in preventing obesity. In this review article, authors have comprehensively analyzed 183 studies that investigated the effects and mode of action of coffee, tea, and cocoa in obesity management.

Excerpted from News Medical Life Sciences

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