
Want to Live Longer? Avoid This in 2018!

December 27, 2017

The gym membership probably won’t work out. But for those who overate during the holidays, there are some simple dietary New Year’s resolutions that could be a life [...]

24 Ways to Be Healthier in The New Year

December 20, 2017

The new year is a common time to think about self-improvement. Luckily, there are lots of ways to better your lifestyle without throwing your daily routine out of whack. [...]

Want to Listen Better?

December 15, 2017

Listening is a complicated task. It requires sensitive hearing and the ability to process information into cohesive meaning. Add everyday background noise and constant [...]

Does Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

December 15, 2017

Do your friends consistently ask about your yoga-plus-a-healthy-eating-plan secret to weight-loss success, but since you’re so Zen now your only tangible answer is, [...]

Want Better Sleep? Try Opening a Window

December 5, 2017

People are trying everything from meditation apps, black-out curtains and white noise machines to sleep better. What if all you needed was your bedroom door? A new Dutch [...]
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