
What Does Science Say About Fasting?

November 26, 2019

I’ve personally been implementing and experimenting with fasting for close to a year now. Observing numerous benefits to both my body and cognition, I’ve since become a [...]

Ten Exercise Myths That Aren’t True

July 10, 2018

Finding clear, definitive facts about healthy exercise can be difficult. The exercise industry is a multi-billion dollar business, built partially on selling gadgets and [...]

The Science on Every Popular Diet!

October 25, 2016

There are so many diets out there, but which ones actually work? Luckily, scientists have found that most reasonable diets can help you lose weight, compared to not following [...]

Test Your Genes to Find Your Best Diet

August 24, 2016

Your genes can help tell you what to eat and influence how diet affects your health. Variants in some of our genes determine how we metabolize and utilize nutrients, a field [...]

The Common Oil That’s Worse Than Sugar

August 4, 2015

If you think that sugar is the unhealthiest thing you can eat, you’re wrong. Apparently, the Worst Food on the Planet Award should actually go to soybean oil, suggests [...]
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