
Can Tea Reduce Stroke Risk?

November 7, 2016

Did you know that regularly drinking tea has been associated with a lower risk of stroke? Scientific studies using large research databases evaluated the tea drinking habits [...]

8 Natural Allergy Remedies

September 19, 2016

Allergies are exaggerated immune responses to substances that are generally not considered harmful. There are many different types, such as food and skin allergies. Allergic [...]

Stave Off Cognitive Decline With Seafood

May 17, 2016

Eating a meal of seafood or other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids at least once a week may protect against age-related memory loss and thinking problems in older people, [...]

How to Eat for Your Skin Type

May 17, 2016

Last week I went to the new Kiehl’s apothecary to diagnose and cure my skin issues. After pressing little pieces of paper into my forehead and cheek to measure the oil in [...]

The Best Foods to Fight Fatigue

December 2, 2015

Exhaustion isn’t a good look on anyone, but it’s all too easy to burn the candle at both ends in the always-connected world we live in. And when that energy slump hits, [...]
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