
Do Slow Walkers Age Faster?

October 15, 2019

The walking speed of 45-year-olds, particularly their fastest walking speed without running, can be used as a marker of their aging brains and bodies. Slower walkers were [...]

Chronic Pain? Try a Brisk Walk

September 25, 2019

For people who live with chronic pain, getting up, out and moving can seem daunting. Some fear that physical activity will make their pain worse. But in fact, researchers [...]

Can You Get Cardio Without Running?

September 19, 2019

Common misconception: You need to sprint, jump, and burpee your way to cardiovascular conditioning. But guess what? Decreasing the impact will actually allow you to safely [...]

Love Yoga but Don’t Love the Cost?

September 13, 2019

Yoga is one of the best (and most popular) exercises around these days. It combines the physical benefits of stretching exercises and the mental clarity [...]

Why is Brown Fat So Good For You?

August 28, 2019

Our fat cells aren’t all the same. White fat’s role is mostly to hang around the body, storing caloric fuel that can be converted into energy if needed. [...]

What Should I Eat After a Workout?

July 18, 2019

Have you ever stepped off of the treadmill, ecstatic over the number of calories that you burned, only to realize that you are extremely hungry? Most of us can relate to this [...]
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