
How Does Sweating Affect Weight Loss?

July 31, 2019

You put in the work. You put out a ton of sweat. Surely, you’ve lost weight, right? Downer alert: Sweating only sort of helps you lose weight. Technically, sweating can [...]

What Should I Eat After a Workout?

July 18, 2019

Have you ever stepped off of the treadmill, ecstatic over the number of calories that you burned, only to realize that you are extremely hungry? Most of us can relate to this [...]

Planning on Working Out in the Heat?

July 12, 2019

Much of Europe and the United States are in the middle of a heatwave, with temperatures recently reaching a record-breaking 114°F (46°C) in France. This will have made for [...]

How Can I Finally Start Working Out?

May 22, 2019

If you’ve pretty much been planted in the couch cushions since that candy binge in October all the way through New Year’s Eve cocktails, here’s how to start exercising [...]

Short on Time? Maximize Your Workout!

May 8, 2019

If you’ve ever had only 30, 20, or even 10 minutes to break a sweat and wondered if it’s worth it—it is. There’s a common misconception that hitting the gym for hours [...]
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