If you’re interested in health and nutrition, you’re probably hard-pressed to get through a convo with friends about food without talking about or hearing about [...]
David Katz is the Founding Director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center and an expert on health and nutrition. First, notice that Katz didn’t say [...]
During all your fasts, but especially during your longer fasts, it’s important to make sure you’re staying properly hydrated, not just with water but also with [...]
For many women, handling premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be a daunting task. PMS is referred to a group of changes that occur a few days before your menstrual cycle. It can [...]
Intermittent fasting (IF) has been around for a while. It took a big leap in popularity back in 2013 with “The 8-Hour Diet” by David Zinczenko and Peter Moore. Zinczenko [...]
If your Instagram feed is any indication, everyone and their mom is trying intermittent fasting right now, and maybe you’re interested in it, too. People swear [...]
We are more than a month past the New Year. And a lot of people who made resolutions have dropped them at this point. It’s only human and it happens every year. It’s not [...]
Contrary to popular belief, fasting does not have to be difficult or painful. Key dietary principles for losing excess weight and keeping it off include getting at least 50% [...]
As intermittent fasting has skyrocketed in popularity, more people are trying to maximize potential benefits like weight loss and energy, while avoiding side [...]
If losing weight were simple, there would be one way to do it. But it’s not, which is why there are so many diets that claim they are the best way to shed pounds. [...]