
Is Stress To Blame For Your Weight Gain?

July 18, 2019

You have likely heard of cortisol before, most often in a negative light and possibly related to stress and weight gain. While there appears to be a connection between high [...]

How Can I Fight Inflammation Naturally?

June 12, 2019

By reducing chronic inflammation—also known as low-grade or systemic inflammation—you may be able to boost your defense against several major diseases. In addition to [...]

Is There a Simple Way to Destress?

November 27, 2018

Ah, hustle. A word so charged, just hearing (or seeing) it probably makes you want to get stuff done. Truth is, while a go-go-go approach may seem like the fast track to [...]

Surprising Addictions to Everyday Things

November 27, 2018

The word “addiction” suggests gambling, drinking, and drugs. But there are other habits, behaviors, and even beauty products that are surprisingly addictive. If [...]

Could You Be Stress Eating?

August 14, 2018

Stress eating is consuming food in response to your feelings, especially when you are not hungry. Stress eating is also sometimes called emotional eating. Emotional eating [...]

Is Walking is Better Than Running?

July 10, 2018

If you prefer walking to running, you may feel defensive when surrounded by runners. Stand up with pride. You aren’t “only a walker.” Brisk walking is an [...]
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