
Love Yoga but Don’t Love the Cost?

September 13, 2019

Yoga is one of the best (and most popular) exercises around these days. It combines the physical benefits of stretching exercises and the mental clarity [...]

15 Ways to Improve Your Fitness!

August 20, 2018

1. Exercise in quick spurts. A new study has found that people who did just four to six 30-second sprints reaped the same heart-health benefits as those who logged a [...]

The 9 Best Home Cardio Exercises

March 20, 2018

Exercising at home is an attractive option, offering convenience as well as a way to save money and time. The real issue is how to create effective home workouts when you [...]

6 Exercises to Do At Home

November 28, 2017

Don’t let a jam-packed gym (or lousy weather) keep you from meeting your fitness goals. Try this at-home workout developed by Sadie Lincoln, founder of the fitness [...]
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