
Should You Be Using Echinacea?

March 23, 2023

Echinacea is a group of plants that are rich in antioxidants and may help support immunity. They’re available in several different forms, which vary in terms of recommended [...]

Which Teas Will Help Fight the Flu?

November 8, 2022

Sometimes the simplest treatment can be the most effective: So when your grandmother (or brother, or the neighbor at the dog run who sees you sniffling into your sleeve) [...]

Are There Pandemic Habits We Should Keep?

June 10, 2021

When the COVID pandemic finally retreats, the world will be different. We will have lost millions of lives—a tragic disaster that will devastate families and communities [...]

Should We All Be Wearing Masks?

April 3, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many people are now overthinking things they never used to think about at all. Can you go outside? What if you’re walking downwind of [...]

Need an Extreme Flu Fighter? Try NAC!

February 6, 2020

Fear of flu is even more potent than usual this season thanks to H1N1… so it’s definitely not too soon to get the knack, or NAC, for fighting it. NAC stands for N-acetyl [...]

Do You Need a Flu Shot?

September 19, 2019

Flu seasons are notoriously unpredictable, but there are already clues that the upcoming season may be especially difficult. Flu season in the Southern Hemisphere can be an [...]
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