
Looking for Late-Night Snack Ideas?

March 25, 2022

We’ve all experienced it — you’re about to call it a night (maybe you’ve even already crawled into bed!) when your stomach enters the conversation with a loud [...]

When is the Best Time to Work Out?

October 15, 2020

It’s a debate that never seems to get settled: When is the best time to work out? Are you more likely to experience the bennies of exercising if you do it in the [...]

Does Evening Exercise Really Ruin Sleep?

February 27, 2019

Must cook dinner. Need to pick the kids up from school. Have to catch up on my favourite TV series. Live too far from the gym. Any of these sound familiar? With growing time [...]

Do Late Meal Times Increase Body Fat?

September 19, 2017

Eating soon before sleep is associated with higher per cent body fat, according to new research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The same study [...]